Thursday, August 12, 2010

And so it begins...

11 August 2010

Four weeks from today I’ll be arriving in South Korea and embarking on a journey I never could have imagined doing a few short years ago. It’s not that traveling around the world for a year is so farfetched for me – those who know me know traveling is in my blood – but quitting my teaching job and taking off with little in my bank account is uncharacteristic for me (especially in an economic downturn!). My accountant father taught me to be more responsible with money so I hope he forgives this infraction. I’m taking a huge leap of faith, faith in others and myself that things will work out. I’ve postponed my dream of being abroad too long and my life in New York City needs a little shaking up. So I plan to go on this journey with my mind and eyes open to what possibilities come my way. We’ll see if I fall in love with a place and choose to move there or discover a better career path for myself. Maybe I’ll meet some amazing people and do some incredible things and that will be enough. Or maybe I’ll get dengue fever and have to come home early! Let’s hope not! One thing is for certain, I will be different, I will have faced my fears in order to attain a dream, and I will have broken free of the strong arms of New York City.

My first stop is South Korea to hopefully earn some money teaching English (I’ve been working feverishly on a TESOL certificate). Then I will get to see some dear friends in Singapore before trekking around Southeast Asia. Then it’s off to India, Tanzania and Ghana. If I'm lucky I'll be able to swing visiting friends in England and Spain. That’s the general plan with expectations of changing things up a bit. My dates are all flexible so I can go at my own pace.

I am excited to be pursuing this dream, but it is one of the most risky things I’ve ever done and I’m nervous. There is so much unknown and unplanned. But the wheels are in motion. I have moved out of my apartment and am grateful for friends who have opened their homes to me. I have gotten shots, visas, airplane tickets, etc. I could still decide not to go and report for work on Sept. 7 rather than flying to South Korea, but I know that wouldn't be right for me. Postponing the dream in exchange for a discontented stability is no way to live. The support of family and friends has been a great source of strength for me as I am about to do what many would think is crazy (maybe you are one of them).

Off to do more prep work for my journey....


  1. Good luck! You are an inspiration and I promise to kick you out of the building if you chicken out and show up for work on Sept 7th!

  2. Being your mother is not for the faint of heart.
    However, knowing how capable & prepared you are gives me peace of mind. Plus I know how much this trip means to you. I'm sure I'll set a new Guiness Book of World Records for how many times I check your blog. I'm wishing you grand adventures & fulfilled wishes. Travel safe & travel smart. xoxoxoxo, Mom

  3. We are so happy you're following your dreams & heart. Save travels! We're all looking forward to seeing you very soon.

  4. Hi Kristen! Wow what a great journey, I'm totally jealous. Say hi to Korea for me. How long do you plan on being there?

    I haven't talked to you in forever and would love to catch up before you go on your trip. I'll give you a call soon!

    PS Make sure you blog and call your mom often!

  5. Dearest Kristen, I am so excited for you and so amazed by you. I cannot wait to hear about all of your adventures and will be following the blog closely. I know this will be such an incredible experience.

  6. Sounds wonderful! Glad we'll be able to keep up via the blog, and we'll try to send you names of people/places along the way if you're interested. Some friends still in Thailand, for example, or a wonderful tuk tuk driver in Siem Reap, Cambodia :)

  7. Thank you all for your wonderful - and entertaining - comments!

    Jai, I plan on being in SK for 2-3 months. I fly into Busan. If you have any tips let me know! :)

    Bari,I'd love any names/places you have to offer!

    Much appreciated!! Love, KB

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Wow Kristen that is AMAZING!!! I am a HUGE fan of following your dreams! My growing film career is proof of that! I thought your dream was doing those hallmark type of cards? I will definitely miss you at work. I wish could've been there to be your very own personal videographer to document all your interactions with so many different cultures and visiting so many interesting places. I hope you have a good little video camera like the Flip mino HD. Its a little bigger than an ipod. very small but shoots great video. no tape required. I sound like a commercial now... lol, anyhoo, I wish you all the luck in your travels, please be safe, dont share any taxi rides from cool strangers ( like in the movie Taken), I can't wait to read your latest adventures. Oh and remember never pay full price for anything on your trip, haggle. It works great and it will help your money last a lot longer. I went to Korea, Japan, Australia, Africa and New Zealand but as a sailor in the US Navy. Still it was great. Travel safe and God Bless.

  10. Hi Sis. I am so excited for you and the year you have ahead. This is undoubtedly the right thing for you to be doing and to stay on the NY teaching path just because it is secure and known would make no sense. I've added your blog site to my phone so I can always be up to speed on your latest updates...and live vicariously through you travels and experiences.

  11. Hi my beautiful client. You are amazing person
    and this is the best choice at this time of your life. Have a safe journey and I feel lucky to have you as a client for so many years. Good luck.

  12. Hi Honey,

    Love your fabulous pics & entertaining, informative travelog! You're doing great with your point & shoot. Must admit I found great humor trying to imagine you of all people wandering thru a fish market. You'll be tossing down wiggly octopus in no time. :)
    Good luck on the job/roommate front. XOXOXO, Mom
